Tired of Feeling
Stuck with Sjogren's?

Discover Simple, Science-Backed Strategies to Reduce Fatigue, Pain & Fog, and Reclaim Your Life - In Just 28 Days.

Join the Challenge Now!

Are You Struggling with Sjogren's Fatigue, Pain, and the Long List of Frustrating Symptoms?

I know firsthand how challenging it can be to live with Sjogren's. The fatigue can feel relentless, the pain can make even simple tasks difficult, and the other symptoms – like dry eyes, dry mouth, and brain fog – can make you feel like you're not yourself.

Sjogren's might make you feel like your body is working against you because in some ways — it is. But you have more power than you think when it comes to managing your symptoms and feeling better.

You might be asking yourself...
“Will I ever have enough energy to do the things I love?”
“Is this pain just going to get worse over time?”
“Why am I struggling so much when my lab tests look ‘normal’?”
“Is there anything I can do to feel better, or am I just stuck with this?”

But finding reliable information and creating a plan that actually works for your life can feel overwhelming.

Good news: Despite your busy schedule and the fog, fatigue, and pain of Sjogren's, you have everything you need to start feeling better. In this 28-day challenge, you'll cut through the confusion and learn simple, sustainable strategies you can use right away.





Sjogren's Superpowers Activated: A 28-Day Journey to Better Health and Unshakeable Confidence

Your Solution to Taking Charge of Your Health and Feeling Your Best!

In this 28-Day Challenge, you'll discover simple, science-backed strategies to reduce fatigue, manage your symptoms, and create a life you love – even with Sjogren's.

Here's what you can expect:

  • More Energy & Focus: You'll learn how to manage your energy, prioritize self-care, and reduce fatigue so you can do more of the things you love.
  • Less Pain & Discomfort: You'll discover gentle movement practices and anti-inflammatory strategies to ease your aches and discomforts.
  • Improved Digestion & Gut Health: You'll nourish your gut with delicious, fiber-rich foods and find relief from common digestive issues.
  • Better Sleep & Reduced Stress: You'll create a relaxing bedtime routine, improve your sleep quality, and learn simple mindfulness techniques to calm your nervous system.
    Increased Confidence &
  • A Supportive Community: You'll gain the knowledge and tools you need to take charge of your health and connect with other amazing friends who understand your journey.
Join the Challenge Now!

What You'll Learn in the "Sjogren's Superpowers Activated" 28-Day Challenge

In this challenge, you won't just learn about managing Sjogren's – you'll get personalized support from Dr. Kara Wada and Registered Dietitian Jenifer Tharani every step of the way.

We'll guide you through simple, sustainable strategies that you can easily incorporate into your life, and you'll have the support of an amazing community who understand what you're going through.

Meet Your Guides

Jenifer Tharani, MS RD

I'm a Registered Dietitian who specializes in helping people with autoimmune conditions optimize their nutrition for better health and symptom management. I believe that food is medicine, and I'm passionate about empowering my clients to make informed choices that support their bodies.

I've seen firsthand the incredible impact that nutrition can have on managing Sjogren's symptoms. In this challenge, I'll guide you through simple strategies to reduce inflammation, nourish your gut, and boost your energy levels.

Kara Wada, MD

I'm a board-certified pediatric and adult allergy, immunology, and lifestyle medicine physician. I'm also a certified life coach, TEDx speaker, and mom of three. I'm passionate about helping women with Sjogren's feel their best – because I've been there myself.

After years of struggling with my own Sjogren's journey, I realized that traditional medicine wasn't enough. I needed to take a more holistic approach – one that addressed my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

That's why I created this challenge – to share the simple, science-backed strategies that have helped me and countless other women manage our symptoms, reduce fatigue, and reclaim our lives.

I remember a time when I felt so exhausted that just getting out of bed felt like a monumental effort. I was missing out on precious moments with my kids, and I felt like Sjogren's was taking over my life.

But then I started incorporating simple, sustainable changes into my routine, and everything began to shift. I learned how to manage my energy, prioritize self-care, and nourish my body with the right foods. And I found a community who understood exactly what I was going through.


Join the Challenge and Experience Sjogren's Support Like Never Before

This challenge is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy life.

Here's how it works:


Daily Bite-Sized Lessons

Watch short, engaging videos from Dr. Kara and Jen in under 10 minutes a day.



Easy-to-Follow Action Steps

Watch short, engaging videos from Dr. Kara and Jen in under 10 minutes a day.



A Supportive Community of Friends

Connect with other amazing women who understand your journey. Get encouragement, share your wins, ask questions, and stay motivated!


Investment That Pays Off

Investing in your health and well-being is one of the best decisions you can make.
Imagine a life where you have more energy to spend with the people you love, where you're not limited by pain and fatigue, and where you feel confident in your ability to manage Sjogren's! Stop letting Sjogren’s manage you!

That's the transformation this challenge can help you create.

Sjogren's Superpowers Activated

A 28-Day Challenge is packed with valuable resources to support your health and well-being!

Total Value: $397 (Evergreen price)
Total Cost: $197 (Beta price)

What's included:

  • 4 Weeks of Daily Support: 28 daily challenges delivered via email, text, and Facebook, each with a short video lesson, actionable steps, and community support.
  • Private Facebook Group: Connect with a group of incredible women on the same journey, share your experiences, ask questions, and cheer each other on.
  • Exclusive Bonus Resources: Get access to these valuable tools to deepen your learning:
    • Self-Care Compass Workshop: A 1-hour session to help you design a life that aligns with your values and priorities.
    • Meal Planning Masterclass: A 2-part mini-course where you'll learn how to stock your kitchen with anti-inflammatory essentials and create a personalized meal planning system.
    • 4 Weekly Meal Plans with Grocery Lists: Take the guesswork out of healthy eating with delicious, Sjogren's-friendly meal plans and shopping lists.
  • Personalized Support: Use our new quiz to help tailor these resources to your individual needs!

That's less than the cost of a single doctor's appointment!

This challenge will be priced at $397 after the beta launch.
Join now to take advantage of this limited-time offer!

Only 8/25 spots left!

Don't let Sjogren's hold you back any longer!

Join the 28-Day Challenge today and start feeling your best.









Only 8/25 spots are available for the beta launch – don't miss out!

Join the Challenge Now!

Frequently Asked Questions