The Crunchy Allergist 0:04
Sick of the fatigue and fog? Fed up with the unpredictable flares? Hangry from the super restrictive diets?
The Crunchy Allergist 0:12
Hello and welcome to the Crunchy Allergists Podcast. A podcast empowering those who like me appreciate both a naturally minded and scientifically grounded approach to health and healing.
The Crunchy Allergist 0:24
Hi, I'm your host Dr. Kara Wada. Quadrupel board certified pediatric and adult allergy immunology and lifestyle medicine physician, Sjogren's patient, and life coach.
My recipe for success combined the anti inflammatory lifestyle, trusting therapeutic relationships, modern medicine and mindset to harness our body's ability to heal.
Now although I might be a physician, I'm not your physician and this podcast is for educational purposes only.
The Crunchy Allergist 0:54
Welcome back! Today we have one last special episode from the recent first annual virtual Shokran Summit. My friend and colleague, Jennifer Tharani, is a registered dietitian and expert in anti inflammatory nutrition. Jennifer believes that eating healthy does not have to be boring, time consuming or expensive. She is extremely passionate about helping women with chronic illness adopt an anti inflammatory gut healing eating pattern without unwarranted food eliminations. She doesn't believe in diets instead, in making small sustainable lifestyle changes to help you find balance in your everyday life, including trying to keep your favorite foods in the mix. Jennifer's mantra is given man to a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Her nutrition coaching programs empower you with nutrition education, provide an accountability to take action and experience transformations and with an inclusive community of women going through the same struggles so you don't have to feel alone. I am super excited to partner with Jennifer in my redefining success programs, but more about that later. For now. Let's tune in to hear what she had to share at our recent Summit.
Jennifer Tharani 2:13
Hi everyone. My name is Jennifer. I'm a registered dietitian. And I'm so excited to be part of the Sjogren's Summit. And my apologies because I wasn't able to provide this recording in time. I'm actually currently visiting my mom in India, and we were at a retreat a seven day retreat. That was incredible. My mom did pain management program and I just did a little tamper me program at the retreat. So that being said I was struggling with a little bit of internet issues. But now I'm back in Mumbai and recording this for you guys and super, super, super excited to be part of this summit and to provide you with this information about anti inflammatory nutrition. So let's dive right in.
Jennifer Tharani 3:11
I'm going to start off this conversation by providing you with a little bit of a backstory, my story of why I do what I do, why I started chronic pain nutritionist Instagram account, and why I designed the silver lining experience which is my 90 Day group coaching experience that is super simple, realistic, evidence based program for women with autoimmune, chronic and less.
Jennifer Tharani 3:45
So my mother actually struggled with chronic lower back pain, as well as musculoskeletal pain. After her fall at the train station. Due to this, my mother had to constantly say no to social events because she would be in a lot of pain. And if she did anything that was taxing her body. She would be in pain for many many days after that and wouldn't be able to do household chores. And then I also remember the you know, times when we would plan to go for a movie and if you know anything about Indian Bollywood movies, they are three hours long or rather they used to be three hours long. And then my mom would say no last minute and I would get super upset. My mom would then just pop a pain pill opioid, you know, so that she experiences some pain relief and she's able to come with us to the movie and able to sit for three long hours and all this to make me happy. My mom, you know always was in pain, and she wasn't able to express it and as a child, I knew nothing. I knew zero about what invisible illness is and what chronic pain is. You know so I would just be upset constantly, you know if my mom wasn't able to attend social events with us or go out or travel with us. And I want to ask you if you resonate with any of this, if you resonate with my mom's story, and if you experience any of these things with your children, do you feel like you have to constantly say no to social events going out because you're afraid of a flare because you feel like once you go out and come back you will be in pain for many days. And it's really really hard to explain all of this to your family members, especially young children in the house who do not understand what you're going through. My mom actually was really struggling with invisible illness, my relatives would call her antisocial. And all of this was completely like something I had no idea about growing up so you know, we tried everything. Eastern medicine, physical therapy, homeopathy, and these treatments only worked for a little bit of time like a short period of time. We didn't know anything about anti inflammatory foods or anything like that you know, obviously I was in school studying and just being a nerd.
Jennifer Tharani 6:59
So when I was doing literature review for my master's degree, which is an anti inflammatory nutrition and probiotics is when I started to connect the dots between anti inflammatory potential of foods and how it can reduce chronic lower grade inflammation, how it can reduce insulin resistance. I also learned how evidence based nutrition and medications work so well together in helping women with autoimmune chronic illness, achieve remission or at least reduce their medications reduce the length of their flares reduce the severity of their flares, because once you know your trigger foods which is not the topic for this mid conversation, but once you know your trigger foods, you know to avoid them or reduce them or pair them with anti inflammatory foods really well. That's exactly what I teach in my 90 Day group coaching experience. Because I review food and symptom journals, the food and syndrome journal that I have created based on my education and expertise as a registered dietician. And I provide feedback to my clients and then we do specific eliminations that are individualized to specific clients because you are unique and so are your trigger foods. So, anyway, that being said, you know, that's when I decided I wanted to help women, like my mom live an empowered life so that they never have to feel like they have to follow a restrictive elimination diet to be successful and miss out on precious moments with friends and family like my mom had to do while I was growing up. But now, as I told you, I went on retreat for seven days with my mom. She was thriving. Last year she had COVID but she recovered really well from COVID as well and you know she's she's really living an empowered, vibrant life based on the anti inflammatory eating pattern, as well as lifestyle that you know weave together created for her. So next thing I want to dive into some of the basics of anti inflammatory eating pattern, so you get a good idea of what are some of the pillars of anti inflammatory eating powder, and then you can start checking them off. If you know anything about me. I am a dietician that does not believe in diets. I am so motivated and so passionate about teaching women how to fish instead of just giving them fish, which will feed them for a day versus if I teach you how to fish you're going to be able to thrive. And that's the exact feedback I get from the clients who graduate from my program because now they're able to seamlessly put together meal components that are anti inflammatory, whatever they have in their fridge freezer pantry. When they're grocery shopping, they feel empowered because now they exactly know what anti inflammatory eating pattern looks like as well as their specific symptoms. Let's dive right in and I want you to start taking action right away. Like I said, I if whenever I do a session I my goal and my intention is to give you action items that you can start implementing right away and start experiencing many transformations. Right away. You know, this is a slow, slow process, like anything in life, but it is very effective.
Jennifer Tharani 10:55
So first things first fiber containing carbohydrates. I just had my first call with one of the apps that I'm working with and that is purely for autoimmune chronic illness patients. And the client asked me like, hey, what about autoimmune protocol? And I was like, I don't I don't teach that I don't preach that what I preach is anti inflammatory eating pattern. And so that's where the carbohydrates come into the picture. Because autoimmune protocol eliminates a lot of fiber containing carbohydrates, which I do not promote at all. So fiber containing carbohydrates. such as beans, lentils, ancient grains, whole grains, and these are all important for you to include in every single meal, and snack. starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, potatoes, squash, etc. Carbohydrates provide you with energy. So many times I find women dieting or trying to eliminate carbohydrates because some diet on Google told them to do that. They start eliminating fruits they start eliminating, you know beans, lentils, because some again, some diet told them to do that on the internet, or their doctor promoted that for them. So I want you to start really paying attention to those carbohydrates. There are two reasons for that. The carbohydrates that contain fiber number one, it gives you the energy that you need. It has plentiful of vitamins and minerals, which also contribute towards reducing fatigue reducing brain fog. One of my clients last night told me in the graduation call that she didn't think that her fatigue and brain fog are gonna reduce so much in just as little as three months. So you know, I know this diet can do wonders and I want you to start taking action right away. Number two, omega threes and other micronutrient dense, healthy fats. So omega three fatty acids are super important and these are most research based anti inflammatory compounds. EPA DHA so just a little bit of information here about omega threes. omega three fatty acids are of two types. EPA DHA, which is only available in oily fish like salmon, trout sardines mackerel, or and because the fish eats algae, that's how they get it. Or if we directly eat algae, which we don't so we don't get it like that. So we have to eat oily fish or take a supplement to make sure that we are getting omega three fatty acids on a consistent basis. The other type of Omega three is a lp. So if you're following vegan or vegetarian diet, you may have been building a lot of flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and these have omega three ala type or body does not do a very good job of converting ala to EPA DHA. So if you have ever been told like, "Oh, vegan diet. You can get all your omega threes."
Jennifer Tharani 14:32
Normal people who do not have chronic illness, maybe somewhat right, but women with chronic illness do need ample amounts of omega threes because you do have a lot of low grade inflammation in your body. And then some of the other types of healthy fats include monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and these come from nuts, seeds so include these on a very, very, very regular consistent basis. Number three is plant forward protein options. So again, I like to give examples of my clients. So like I said, I was talking to this client last night and her diet is pretty pretty healthy, pretty anti inflammatory, but there were some things that I picked out. And then when I asked her about plant forward protein, she's like it's very minimal. So that suggested to me that there's a gap in nutrition there, there's a gap that we can fill with more plant forward protein options for her again to reduce that inflammation. So some examples again, include beans, lentils, your whole grains, tofu, edamame, beans, Tempe, etc. Colorful vegetables and fruits. When I was at the retreat, I realized this myself that I wasn't eating enough vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. And Touchwood I'm a healthy female. And as of now I do not have any chronic illness. So imagine if you do have chronic illness. You are either flaring your medications or not working you have extreme fatigue, brain fog, a lot of paid. You're a mom, entrepreneur, you know you're you're you're wearing a lot of hats, and the fruits and vegetable and taken slip you know, and these are super, super, super important. So if anything you take away from this presentation is make sure that you're getting at least four to seven servings of vegetables, and three to four servings of fruits a day. Again in my nutrition coaching program, I provide an anti inflammatory foods questionnaire that I've developed based on all the research that I've done, and that just gives my clients checking off of how many times of which anti inflammatory foods they need in a day so that we amp up like you know we amp up their anti inflammatory potential of their meals and snacks so that slowly their inflammation is reduced. If weight loss is one of their goals, then they start you know, losing weight as well once we take care of the inflammation and insulin resistance so and a serving of vegetable is one cup raw and half cooked. So it's easy to get in. But it's also easy to forget about like I said as a dietitian, myself I realized at the retreat, I wasn't getting enough vegetables so I made it a point every single day to eat vegetables at breakfast, because that is when I don't eat vegetables at all. And you know, my mom and I have created this habit now to include vegetables at breakfast in some shape or form because it's easy to get vegetables at lunch. You know, sometimes if you're eating a sandwich without anything in it, then you're missing out on vegetables but dinner is when most people get vegetables but breakfast and snack can be a great opportunity to include more vegetables. And then fruits are amazing too because they are rich in antioxidants. And they also provide you with fiber.
Jennifer Tharani 18:22
Next thing is fermented dairy with probiotics. This is like I said this was my master's degree and I stand by fermented foods. A lot of diets out there will tell you to avoid dairy which is fine. Again as dairy is your trigger but it's super important to understand the whole composition of dairy like I said, I have a master's degree in dairy products technology. So I learned everything about dairy. And the probiotics containing dairy is really really important to replenish your gut flora as well as reduce inflammation in your body. So if you are, you know lactose intolerant and just try lactose free theory, and then if your intake of cheese is very high then definitely reduce your intake of cheese because that is inflammatory because it does contain a lot of sodium and saturated fat. It's very easy. It's very hard to like low fat cheese. And also it's very hard to kind of avoid a lot of saturated fats because the American diet contains a lot of saturated fats. So again, focusing on only mono unsaturated fatty acids omega three fatty acids and then reducing your intake of cheese but increasing your intake of fermented dairy which is again kefir probiotic containing yogurt, once a day is amazing. prebiotics These are specific type of fibers that feed your gut flora. So garlic, onions you know you can also cook some potatoes, leave them overnight and then if you eat them next day then they contain resistant starch. And this is also an incredible source of food for your gut flora. So including some of these foods is super super important. Orbs and spices as a South Asian you know I eat a lot of herbs and spices. I grew up eating that so it comes naturally to me. But a lot of American diet does not include lots of herbs and spices. So you know trying to experiment with different ethnic herbs and spices is a great start. I encourage a lot of my clients to go to ethnic stores like Indian store, or Asian Chinese store, because or Mexican store because you're going to get exposed to so many different types of herbs and spices that you probably haven't thought of. And then once a week, you know trying some of the new cultural, ethnic herbs and spices is a great goal to have so that you start having a variety of herbs and spices in your diet is a potent antioxidant, anti inflammatory rich foods available to us, easily available to us. But what I noticed is most of my clients come to me where they're only consuming a little bit of black pepper. They try to include tumeric on and off and then cinnamon. But what about like not men? What about clothes? About bayleaf What about cilantro? What about basil? You know there's so many different herbs and spices. And again you may be someone who includes them but once a month or once a week. So if you're that person then you know increase the frequency of consuming these herbs and spices. Lastly my favorite oil is extra virgin olive oil a lot of times you are taught to include coconut oil, which I am not in agreement with again because depending on what medications you're taking, depending on if you're predisposed to cholesterol or if you already have high cholesterol. Again using saturated fats is not such a great idea because recent studies have shown that consuming a lot of coconut oil can lead to high LDL cholesterol. I have seen this personally also and my clients who have followed autoimmune protocol in the past, their cholesterol levels increased. But then when they started following anti inflammatory eating pattern, their LDL cholesterol reduced, their triglycerides reduced and then they had a much better cholesterol panel, less risk for heart disease and we already know that patients with autoimmune chronic and less apt are at a higher risk for heart disease for diabetes, etc. So include extra virgin olive oil, you know, a tablespoon a day is a great start.
Jennifer Tharani 18:24
Now, I'm going to go over a day of eating anti inflammatory foods with you so you get a snapshot of what that will look like for you. So I want you to take a pen and paper you know hopefully you're a note taker and you've been taking lots of notes you have access to this as well. And then I'm also going to be giving you guys a free anti inflammatory meal plan, which I'm super excited about. I don't usually go by meal plans because I also know in my experience that people don't really follow meal plans but I want to give you something to go off of to start off with including some of these pillars of anti inflammatory eating pattern and then again, obviously, if you are interested in you know, taking this to the next level and working with me, either one on one or joining my group coaching program, which I'll be talking about at the end of this presentation. I would love to have you in my world and support you on your anti inflammatory gut healing journey. So let's dive into what a day of anti inflammatory eating looks like. So breakfast, oatmeal with Richard cottage cheese with apples cinnamon and chia seeds. So the cultured brand cottage cheese has probiotics added in it. So there is a difference between just a regular yogurt and probiotic containing yogurt. So be aware of that. And so that's why I'm saying that you can use sculptured cottage cheese. Or you could also use activity a yogurt in your oatmeal to introduce some of these probiotic strains and then apples are a great source of fiber quesiton which is an antioxidant, cinnamon or nutmeg or clove powder and chia seeds. Lunch you can have batch prep soup or stew in an instant pot. I love these easy kitchen gadgets like instant bought bought airfryer rice cooker. All of these can come in handy to meal prep. So you could make these soups or stews with bone broth. You can either buy the bone broth, just make sure it's not very high in sodium and it's good quality or it's super easy to make bone broth in an instant pot as well. And then the soup or stew will have some beans, chicken and veggies. I always say that if you are someone who doesn't include a lot of plant forward protein you don't have to like completely eliminate eliminate your animal protein and say like okay, now I'm going to just consume plant powered proteins or plant based proteins. You could do half and half. That way you're not missing out on something that you're used to eating but you're also reducing the amount and giving space to something that is anti inflammatory. And then use garlic and leeks for prebiotics in your soup or stew. Again, you know this could be a curry as well with gluten free grain that you can have for lunch, dinner or brown rice. Again, we don't think about adding bayleaf to brown rice we don't think about adding dried herbs or we don't think about adding some Tumeric or other spices to our brown rice because we don't think about it. You know we are so busy we don't have time to think and we have decision fatigue in the kitchen. So I challenge you to make some herbs brown rice with you know you can make this and rice cooker with sauteed vegetables and olive oil and fried or pan fried tofu or turkey meatballs if you prefer animal protein in this meal. And then snap could be at Endamame beans with pre cut cantaloupe or banana. Again, I find a lot of people have followed this trend. Of having apple with peanut butter for snack.
Jennifer Tharani 27:40
It's not such a great snack. I mean it is a great snack generally speaking but it's not a great snack I feel for women with autoimmune chronic illness and here's why. Apple is a great source of fiber but it doesn't give you very much carbohydrates for energy. Right banana is slightly high glycemic index carbohydrate and again, this is something I dive deep into my nutrition coaching program. What carbohydrates you should be consuming that will prevent blood sugar spikes that will give you more stable energy throughout the day that will fuel your exercise if you're someone who exercises so in that case, banana can be a good source of energy because we experienced afternoon energy crash so it will help you with a little bit of energy spikes. But then at Emami beans are a great source of proteins that will prevent that blood sugar spike that you will experience with banana. If you just have banana on its own, then obviously you're going to experience a little bit of a blood sugar spike and crash. I also noticed in my clients when they start the program that they just have a piece of fruit for snack and again you're missing out on protein which is going to keep you fuller for longer time. So this is what a day of eating anti inflammatory foods can look like. Again, you will have a meal plan so then you can kind of get inspired and go rip up meals in the kitchen and start following some of these anti inflammatory pillars that we discussed in this session. So I hope so far so good. I know I've been talking a lot and this isn't an interactive session. However, the next piece of this thing that I love, love to talk about and I know is super important and is rarely talked about because your doctors don't have time to talk to you about this. And so if you're distracted, I want you to come back and please please listen to the next piece of this session because this is going to help you stick to the anti inflammatory eating pattern as to me in the long term and make it more sustainable. So I'm going to teach you some of the strategies of how you can be consistent with anti inflammatory eating pattern.
Jennifer Tharani 30:09
Reflect. Do you think you're consistent? You know, if you say yes, I eat oatmeal every day. Great. You're being consistent with eating a whole grain every day. But then where's the variety? Right? Because the more variety you have in your diet, the better your gut flora is, the more nutrients you get. And then a lot of times you have doctor's appointments, you have meetings. You're really busy. You have kids classes, and then you put yourself on the backburner, and you lose the consistency. So here's what I want you to focus on. These are some of the strategies I want you to really take note off. Number one avoid diet traps. Diet just gives you some kind of spoon feeding method of eating, which you follow for 30 days. There's lack of education and this is exactly what I experienced at the retreat as well. He just told us what to eat without educating us on anything. And so my mom was all confused, obviously, because I'm a dietitian, I was able to explain a lot of concepts to her. And then I have done that in the past as well with her but I feel like these generic diets or generic meal plans, these restrictive diets give no education and as adults, we want to know why. We want to have a rationale about why we're eating a certain way. How is it going to help us and then how it's how the whole you know all the pieces of the puzzle fit together to make the puzzle. So number one, if you want to be consistent with anti inflammatory eating pattern, don't get, you know, swayed by shiny object syndrome or, you know, start following some kind of diet. So I want you to do some reflection around this. What diets have you tried that have left you stressed and anxious around food? A lot of my clients have tried all sorts of diets under the sun. But when they go through my nutrition coaching program is when they find the sustainability a lot of clients also jokingly tell me like I thought I knew everything before starting this program. But to my surprise, I have learned so much in this program. And I know for a fact that this has become second nature now and that i i have created an anti inflammatory eating pattern that is sustainable. So the foods bring pleasure. They are the part of celebrations so I want to know like you know what diets have you tried, just reflect and have these diet left you're stressed and anxious about foods? Do you feel like you fear foods? A lot of my clients fear specific foods because they are afraid to reintroduce foods that they've eliminated. And because they fear flares, they feel like they're gonna flare, but it's also not sustainable. If you restrict a lot of foods. What happens is you also start experiencing micronutrient deficiencies on top of the micronutrient deficiencies that are caused by your medications. So you may be thinking I'm doing everything right, I'm checking off all the boxes, but then I'm still experiencing fatigue, brain fog flares, etc, etc. And the reason could be micronutrient deficiencies that are undetected. And this happens again, if you fear food if you made your diet very, very limited and have eliminated a lot of food groups. Do you feel like food is controlling your emotions? And you are constantly trying a new diet to help you without much success in the long term. Sure, success temporarily. We all can have success temporarily in our the relief of our symptoms, but what about sustainability? What about 3091 ad days after, right? So I want you to reflect on this. Then the strategy is also to shift your mindset from elimination to addiction. A lot of people are when they come into my world when they learn about my approach of anti inflammatory eating pattern. They're like, Okay, what should I eliminate? And I'm like, how about we start by addition because then you're going to find that having anti inflammatory foods have done wonders that you've completely forgotten about what to eliminate because now your plate is so colorful, it has so many anti inflammatory food compounds, and that you're experiencing transformations that you have not even like wondered what to eliminate from your diet to prevent flares or to experience symptom relief. And that is the key you know.
Jennifer Tharani 35:32
The next thing is, look at your diet from the lens of this is an act of body kindness and self care versus a chore. Know as chronic illness warriors you are doing so much and expanding your spoons quickly. And I completely understand and like I said I've seen this with my mom. And I've combined empathy with evidence based nutrition education that I have to do what I do, so I completely understand. So that's why I want you to kind of you know, take this whole approach as this is the act of body kindness and self care. So if you're like going to the grocery store, think about this not as a chore, but instead like okay, I'm doing something for myself. I'm doing something for my body. I'm doing something for symptom relief. And that could be as little as reading nutrition labels of different yogurts. And you go to the grocery store and spending about five extra minutes on educating yourself and learning about which yogurt is the best for you which yogurt has probiotic strains versus which ones do not have that and then picking the one that has probiotic strains and enjoying that the fullest. So this mindset shift is really, really going to help you with making your anti inflammatory eating pattern a more sustainable one. Because restrictive diets are not sustainable. You can ask Kara she came to my group coaching program with autoimmune protocol where she had eliminated a lot of you know, food groups, and then we created a very sustainable anti inflammatory eating pattern for her as well. And that's why she stands behind. You know, my approach of education my approach of coaching to patients and clients. Next strategy to make this whole anti inflammatory eating pattern consistent is set up your environment for success. This may sound easier said than done. But number one if you lack evidence based nutrition education, if you don't know exactly how to build your pantry, how to have your fridge ready your freezer ready for putting together anti inflammatory meals if you don't know what questions to ask when building these anti inflammatory meals, so that you have amped up the anti inflammatory potential of these meals, you're gonna have a hard time being consistent because of decision fatigue. If you pass by a fast food restaurant, if you're going to your kids, you know about practice or whatever it's evening and you haven't set up your environment for success what is going to happen? Your kids are hungry you are hungry you don't have any energy or spoons left to come home and prepare meals your kids are nagging you and then next thing you know you stopped by at a fast food restaurant you pick up something for yourself or your kids. They are happy. You are in pain. You don't have good quality sleep because of inflammation because of extreme pain that was led to because of the extreme pain that was caused by eating fast food again it's not your fault. But thinking ahead and setting up your environment is going to be super important. So again, you know going back to the example of going to your kids practice, you know having some snacks ready on on hand. When you go to the practice meal prepping a little bit thinking about what meals you're gonna make for the week and doing grocery shopping based on that and again, this is a whole module in my coaching program to make you ready and make this meal planning and prepping very, very seamless and effortless. That is exactly what I want for all my clients to be able to do this effortlessly.
Jennifer Tharani 39:50
So again, set up your environment for success and this can look like routines nighttime routine morning routine. Having your kitchen set up making sure you're not going through the not going on the road where you pass fast food restaurant, especially your favorite foods, again, because we know that it's going to cause inflammation and all of that. And then lastly, choose to be part of a supportive community. I know we have a Facebook group here. Great. I kudos to you. I am so glad that you're part of this summit because now you're part of a supportive community where you work towards adopting an anti inflammatory eating pattern with other women going through similar struggles and then finding a coach either me or some other registered dietician who is an expert in helping you adopt an anti inflammatory gut healing eating pattern so that you the coach can help you bridge the gap between the knowing to executing to becoming consistent when you encounter barriers and challenges to making this lifestyle second nature. We know a lot of things we are part of different Facebook groups. You know, we were learned, you know a lot of my clients do have a lot of knowledge about anti inflammatory eating pattern events. But what the missing piece is consistency and execution because they don't have the proper education about why these are anti inflammatory foods. How to consistently amp up the anti inflammatory potential of your meals. And then what are some of the trigger foods that you have based on your food and symptom journal that are causing flares and preventing your medications from working well for you? And again, you know, it's not like generalized it has to be individualized. And every person's response to this eating pattern is slightly different because we all are different. So hopefully this session is going to spark some, you know, excitement in you. Because now you know that it's super easy and realistic and simple to adopt an anti inflammatory eating pattern, and that it's not so difficult as you may have read about some restrictive diet, and it's not expensive either. If you're, if you know how to grocery shop in a budget friendly way, if you know exactly, you know what pantry items you need, then it's going to be a very effortless and seamless process. So hopefully you feel inspired hopefully the reflection exercise gave you some food for thought to think about you know if you're embarking or if you're if you are about to embark on an A journey of adopting some kind of restrictive elimination diet, then, I hope this session is inspiring you to not go that direction, but instead, you know, sort of start creating SMART goals. Simple, small goals each week based on the pillars of anti inflammatory eating pattern that I discussed with you. Because you know yourself the best, you know, what are some of the things that you can implement right away, and then start doing that right away so that you start experiencing some symptom relief. So just to summarize this whole session, we talked about you know a little bit about my story, we talked about the loads of anti inflammatory eating pattern. I gave you a snapshot of what eating anti inflammatory meals in a day looks like. And then we talked about some strategies that can help you make this anti inflammatory, eating more consistent because consistency is key in anything in life to be successful.
Jennifer Tharani 44:07
Hope you enjoyed this session, let me know inside the Facebook group. If you have any questions, I'll be more present or internet aspects now so I'll be more present in the Facebook group and then I can provide some responses to the questions. I know I wasn't able to be part of the live q&a But I will keep my eyes open inside the Facebook group. If you have any questions just tag me, @Jennifertharani, so that I know this question is meant for me and that I can fully support you as part of this summit. And like I said, you're gonna get a free anti inflammatory meal plan as a gift from me so that you feel inspired to start booking more anti inflammatory meals. Now I'm going to take just a minute to talk about my program. So my next program is starting mid April and you know if it's something that interests you, you can reach out to me @chronicpain.nutritionist on Instagram or you can direct message me on Facebook, and then let's chat or I also have a link in my bio to apply for my coaching program on Instagram. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the link as part of this summit. To my program, but I'll ask Dr. Bata and if she's okay with that, I'll share the application link inside the Facebook group as well. But if not, then you can find the link in my Instagram bio. So I have designed this program for Busy Women with shoguns who desires to break free from restrictive diet traps with more evidence based nutrition, identifying their unique trigger foods which is a big thing about my program that I offer. i There is an incredible community and one on one coaching with me so you have hotseat coaching calls every week with me to help you overcome barriers and challenges. So you have a whole portal for education party coaching calls with me so I can help you individualize this whole plan for you for you. Based on your current lifestyle, your roles that you play in your life and your challenges and barriers. And then you know providing feedback on food and symptom journal. So I can help you identify your unique trigger foods and then customize any elimination that as needed. So you know, I'm looking for about 10 to 15 members so that you can join the program and take advantage of adopting an anti inflammatory, nutrition and gut healing program that I have to offer and it's called the silver lining experience and, you know, silver lining is there. Even if you have chronic illness, there is a silver lining to that and I hope that you're able to implement some of the strategies that I've shared in this session with you and then if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to support you. And if you want to take this to the next level, and work with me on a one on one basis or in my group coaching program, I invite you to apply for the program or just direct message me so we can chat about it. I always want to make sure that we're a good fit for each other and that I'm able to help you. Otherwise you know, it's it's no point of you joining the program if I am not the right fit for you, or if you know you're not a good fit for my program. So I look forward to hearing from you in any shape or form and I am super excited about the summit and then continuing this conversation with you all have a great day and I will talk to you soon. Bye.
The Crunchy Allergist 48:03
If you love this episode, make sure to follow Jennifer @chronicpain.nutritionist on Instagram. She and I will also be kicking off another session of our Redefining Success Short Course together June 1st.
The Crunchy Allergist 48:17
This four week program is specifically designed for the busy professional woman who was ready to forget the fog and fatigue and rediscover her vibrant confident self for good. You will learn how to stop stress from stealing your spoons. Reset your relationship with restorative rest. Learn how to deal with the uncertainty that comes with chronic illness and nourish to flourish with non restrictive flexible food support. To learn more visit w w w dot crunchy And make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for even more naturally minded and scientifically grounded crunchy goodness. Take care and I can't wait to talk with you again. Next week.