5 things I would never do as an Immunologist with an Autoimmune Disease | Part 1: Sacrificing Sleep

allergy & immunology Sep 16, 2022
Female immunologist with stethoscope smiling in a forest setting.

In my last blog, I shared the 5 things I would never do as an immune system expert with an autoimmune disease.

If you missed it, check out this post here.

In that blog, I promised to dig into each of these topics a bit more and share some practical and science-supported strategies!

Let’s start with sleep!

Sleep is CRITICAL to our health and healing- especially our immune system health!

Since I love lists, below are 6 Simple Strategies for Restorative Rest. I want to challenge you to pick 1 or 2 to experiment with this week.

If you are excited to learn more about the role of sleep I wanted to share with you a few great resources to learn more about sleep. I realize each of us learns a little differently so I tried to cover all of our basis and will work on recording this topic in an upcoming podcast/YouTube too! 

In the meantime, check these out: 

  1. Sleep Well, and Live Well with Integrative Medicine by Dr. Nishi Bhopal, MD from the #invisibletoinvincible Conference- view for free on the Aila App 

  2. IG accounts to follow
    1. Dr. Nishi Bhopal Integrative Psych & Sleep Medicine  
    2. Dr. Meredith Broderick Neurologist & Sleep Medicine physician 
    3. Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown, MD Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine physician (psst.. she is going to be on the podcast soon!)

  3. Books: 
    1. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker PhD- longer, more detailed, lots of science, little dry 
    2. How To Sleep Rafael Pelayo, MD- more practical applications of science, not just more sleep hygiene recs 

If you have a friend or loved one who you think would find these helpful, please forward this blog post their way!  

Also, I just created a brand new resource that you are going to LOVE. It is the Crunchy Allergist’s Anti-inflammatory Library.  I have pulled together my favorite resources I have read, digested, and incorporated in bits and pieces into my everyday doing all in one place!

To download it for free today visit HERE.